Heart-Shaped Diamond Sizes

Welcome to the Cape Diamonds’ heart-shape diamond size collections. Click through each collection to view different combinations of colour and clarity as per diamond size. Prices are estimated for selected diamond sizes, paired with a certain colour and clarity. Please note that diamond prices increase significantly with certain size categories. Feel free to speak to one of our sales consultants about how to select the perfect diamond of your desired size as your budget allows. To learn more about diamond sizes, watch our video on the top of this webpage or to gain a deeper understanding about how each diamond size would look on a finger, use our interactive diamond app.

Size 0.40-0.45ct

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The first diamond size that qualifies for a GIA certificate is the heart diamond of 0.4 carats. This diamond size shows noticeable sparkles and is a perfect size diamond for those with budget considerations. Cape Diamonds will buy back your diamond at a later stage if you are wanting to upgrade on carat size in the future.

Size 0.45-0.49ct

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The 0.45ct - 049ct heart-shape diamond carat size range avoids the 0.5ct price increase while appearing identical to the half carat. This is a perfect choice for the buyer who has limits to their budget, who would like to obtain a diamond close to the 0.5ct benchmark but with the most supreme colour and clarity character combination pairing possible.

Size 0.50-0.55ct

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The 0.5ct diamond is the most popular size across every diamond shape. They are a milestone in the industry for their perfect appeal and scintillating showcase of irresistible sparkles. Due to the popularity of the 0.5ct heart-shape diamond, the resale value is promising. Visit the Cape Diamonds showroom in Green Point, Cape Town to see the 0.5ct heart-shape diamond in all its beauty. 

Size 0.55-0.59ct

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The 0.55ct - 059ct heart shaped diamond may be quoted as a viable option if you are seeking the 0.5ct range. The beauty is that the slight increase in size is not harsh on the budget, and if you are on the lookout for the biggest carat size possible where colour and clarity are not your main concern, you just may find a bigger diamond that is more affordable than a 0.5ct diamond of higher grading.

Size 0.70-0.75ct

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Any 0.6ct diamond is avidly sought-after by diamond jewellers due to their lack of supply and high demand. The 0.6ct does not cost much more than the 0.5ct heart diamond but it holds a substantial resale value, higher than 0.5ct diamonds that have identical colour and clarity characteristics, due to its exceptional rarity.

Size 0.75-0.79ct

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The next jump in price occurs at the 0.8ct - 0.85ct benchmark. The beautiful thing about the 0.75ct - 0.79ct carat range for heart-shape diamonds is that they look identical to the 0.8ct diamond while avoiding the higher cost, allowing the buyer to obtain the highest quality of colour and clarity possible.

Size 0.80-0.83ct

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The 0.8ct heart-shape diamond is sought-after by diamond jewellers due to their rarity in the market. They are adored for their similar appearance to 1ct diamonds, but they cost a great deal less, allowing the buyer to achieve the most superior colour and clarity grade possible without compromising on the desired 1ct look-alike effect. Set the 0.8ct diamond in a halo setting to further enhance the diamond’s size and sparkle.

Size 0.80-0.83ct

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The 0.8ct heart-shape diamond is sought-after by diamond jewellers due to their rarity in the market. They are adored for their similar appearance to 1ct diamonds, but they cost a great deal less, allowing the buyer to achieve the most superior colour and clarity grade possible without compromising on the desired 1ct look-alike effect. Set the 0.8ct diamond in a halo setting to further enhance the diamond’s size and sparkle.

Size 0.85-0.89ct

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All heart-shape diamonds that fall into the 0.85ct - 0.89ct carat size range will hold an impressive resale value as diamonds of this nature are rare to find but in high demand for their 1ct look-alike appeal and appreciated affordability, allowing the buyer to focus on purchasing a diamond of the highest colour and clarity grade possible.

Size 0.90-0.93ct

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The 0.9ct heart-shape diamond looks exceptionally similar to a 1ct diamond, while avoiding that next drastic increase in price. This is the perfect choice if you are looking for 1ct appeal, and your budget may allow for a high-quality 0.9ct diamond of more superior colour and clarity gradings.

Size 0.94-0.99ct

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The 0.95ct - 0.99ct heart-shaped diamond is a lovely choice for those who are seeking a 1ct look-alike diamond with top class colour, clarity and cut gradings, at a slightly lower price than true 1ct diamonds that share the same characteristics. Diamonds of this size are highly favoured, promising a wonderful resale value of tangible and portable wealth.

Size 1.00-1.05ct

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The 1ct heart-shape diamond could be one of the most romantic gestures offered to the love of your life. A diamond of this nature is rarely seen, making it a timeless and sought-after choice. The 1ct heart diamond is charastimacitaly charming when stood alone in a solItaire setting as well as irresistibly alluring in a halo setting which will enhance the central stone’s sparkle and carat size appeal. To enhance the 1ct diamond’s snow-white sparkle, set this diamond in platinum or white gold and pair it with the highest colour and clarity grade as financially possible.  

Size 1.20-1.25ct

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The 1.2ct heart-shaped diamond is adored for its affordability if searching for a 1ct diamond is on the agenda. The person receiving this diamond will certainly appreciate you going the extra mile. The increase in carat size increases the value of the diamond. For the most promising investment decision, aim to obtain the highest colour and clarity grades as possible. 

Size 1.30-1.49ct

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The 1.3ct - 1.49ct heart diamond is a worthy consideration of carat range if you are searching for a diamond as close in size to a 1.5ct diamond but are also concerned about choosing a top-graded colour and clarity combination. These diamonds are nearly identical to the 1.5ct diamond, but the savings can be used to focus on purchasing the highest quality of diamond possible.

Size 1.50-1.65ct

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The 1.5ct heart-shaped diamond is a highly adored and celebrated carat size in the industry. You are going to make a noticeable impression wearing a diamond of this size - its large surface area lends itself to the most amazing showcase of sparkling snow-white shimmers and rainbow glimmers that prism off and through the mirror-reflective, brilliant-cut facets.  

Size 1.70-1.95ct

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The 1.7ct - 1.99ct heart-shape diamond is the right consideration if you are looking for the highest quality 2ct diamond possible, but your budget spend falls just short. Diamonds of this size and nature offer immense value and draw intense adoration as the diamond dances in delight with captivating sparkle and divine shine.

Size 2.00-2.20ct

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Not many people own a 2ct heart-shape diamond, due to both its price and rarity. When a diamond of this size is mined it has survived billions of years of processing under immense pressure and heat found in the Earth’s crust. This is exactly why the 2ct heart-shaped diamond is expensive and why it offers exceptional lasting investment value.

Size 3-4ct

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Is there a more stunning expression of your love and adoration than purchasing a 3ct - 4ct heart-shaped diamond for your special someone? A diamond of this nature is a serious buy so please ensure that you are well informed about heart-shaped diamonds as you would want to select the perfect diamond at this valuable size.